These documents have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), on behalf of Hon Mark Mitchell, Minister for Emergency Management and Recovery.
This guideline provides a consistent approach to the deployment of CDEM Sector Surge staff from local and regional councils, NEMA, and other agencies to CDEM coordination centres. It provides best practice guidance around deployments, taking into account the health, wellbeing, and fatigue management of deployed staff.
The National Fuel Plan has been developed to provide an agreed planning framework between government agencies, Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Groups and fuel sector organisations to respond to major disruptions to fuel supplies. This plan supersedes the National Fuel Plan 2020.
This document outlines the proposed changes to national guidance for tsunami evacuation zones. This statement outlines NEMA’s intention to move to one blue tsunami evacuation zone, as the new nationally recommended approach.
These documents have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), on behalf of Hon Mark Mitchell, Minister for Emergency Management and Recovery.
These documents have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and the National Emergency Managment Agency (NEMA), on behalf of the Minister for Emergency Managment, Hon Kieran McAnulty.
These Cabinet documents have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and the National Emergency Managment Agency (NEMA), on behalf of the Minister for Emergency Managment, Hon Kieran McAnulty.
These Cabinet documents have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and the National Emergency Managment Agency (NEMA), on behalf of the Minister for Emergency Managment, Hon Kieran McAnulty.
These Cabinet documents have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and the National Emergency Managment Agency (NEMA), on behalf of the Minister for Emergency Managment, Hon Kieran McAnulty.
These documents have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), on behalf of the Minister for Emergency Management, Hon Kieran McAnulty. The following documents have been included in this release: Emergency Management System Reform Proposals (GOV-22-SUB-0031 refers); Regulatory Impact Statement: Emergency Management System Reforms; Report of the Cabinet Government Administration and Expenditure Review Committee Minute (CAB-22-MIN-0339 refers); Emergency Management Systems: Reform Proposals (CAB-22-MIN 0339.01 refers)
The following documents have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), on behalf of the Minister for Emergency Management, Hon Kieran McAnulty: Title of paper: Emergency Management Bill: Approval for Introduction (LEG-22-SUB-0239 refers) Title of paper: Emergency Management Bill: Draft Departmental Disclosure Statement Title of minute: Report of the Cabinet Legislation Committee: Period Ended 16 December 2022 (CAB-22-MIN-0601 refers) Title of minute: Emergency Management Bill: Approval for Introduction (CAB-22-MIN-0601.01 refers)
This Regulatory Impact Statement: Regulatory Impact Statement: Emergency Management System Reforms – iwi and Māori contributions to emergency management, legal framework and critical infrastructure (28 October 2021) has been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), on behalf of the Minister for Emergency Management, Hon Kieran McAnulty.
This Regulatory Impact Statement: Emergency Management System Reforms (2022) has been proactively released.
This guide explains how Emergency Mobile Alerts work and answers questions that media and their auidences may have.
These Cabinet documents have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and the National Emergency Managment Agency (NEMA), on behalf of the Minister for Emergency Managment, Hon Kieran McAnulty.
This Cabinet Paper and Cabinet Minute have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and National Emergency Management Agency, on behalf of Hon Peeni Henare, Minister of Civil Defence. These proactively released documents were previously published on the website on 8 May 2020.
Nationally agreed, consistent messages for all civil defence emergency management organisations and emergency services to use.
This Cabinet Minute (CAB-22-MIN-0101 refers) has been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), on behalf of the Minister for Emergency Management, Hon Kieran McAnulty.
This Cabinet Paper (GOV-22-SUB-0007 refers) and Cabinet Minutes (GOV-22-MIN-0007 refers and CAB-22-MIN-0126 refers) have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), on behalf of Hon Kieran McAnulty, Minister for Emergency Management.
This Cabinet Paper (GOV-22-SUB-0017) and Cabinet Minutes (GOV-22-MIN-0017 and CAB-22-MIN-0229) have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and National Emergency Management Agency, on behalf of Hon Kieran McAnulty, Minister for Emergency Management.
This Cabinet Paper (GOV-22-SUB-006) and Cabinet Minutes (GOV-22-MIN-0006 and CAB-22-MIN-0126) have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and National Emergency Management Agency, on behalf of Hon Kieran McAnulty, Minister for Emergency Management.
This Cabinet Minute has been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the National Emergency Management Agency on behalf of Hon Kiri Allan, Minister for Emergency Management.
This Cabinet Paper (CAB-21-SUP-0065) and Cabinet Minutes (GOV-21-MIN-0065 and CAB-21-MIN-0550) have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and National Emergency Management Agency, on behalf of Hon Kiri Allan, Minister for Emergency Management.
This Cabinet Minute has been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the National Emergency Management Agency on behalf of Hon Kiri Allan, Minister for Emergency Management.
This Cabinet Minute has been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the National Emergency Management Agency on behalf of Hon Kiri Allan, Minister for Emergency Management.
This Cabinet Minute has been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the National Emergency Management Agency on behalf of Hon Kiri Allan, Minister for Emergency Management.
This Cabinet Minute has been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the National Emergency Management Agency on behalf of Hon Kiri Allan, Minister for Emergency Management.
This Cabinet paper (CAB-21-SUB-0332) and Cabinet minute (CAB-21-MIN-0332) have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and National Emergency Management Agency, on behalf of Hon Kiri Allan, Minister for Emergency Management.
This Cabinet Minute has been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the National Emergency Management Agency on behalf of Hon Kiri Allan, Minister for Emergency Management.
The following documents have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), on behalf of (Hon Kiritapu Allan), Minister for Emergency Management: Title of paper: Emergency Management System Reform (GOV-21-SUB-0043 refers) Title of minute: Emergency Management System Reform (GOV-21-MIN-0043 refers)
This guideline is to provide information for anyone seeking to apply for funding from the Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Resilience Fund.
The purpose of this document is to describe the Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) awards available to people, groups or organisations in New Zealand in recognition of contribution or service to CDEM and the process for nominations.
The purpose of this Guideline is to provide an overview of the concept of impact assessments in a Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) context.
The purpose of the National Impact Assessment Dataset and Dictionary Technical Standard is to provide a common language for carrying out information collection in an emergency management context.
This guide explains the National Emergency Management Agency's role as provider of official tsunami warnings and advisories for New Zealand. It also describes the end-to-end tsunami warning process, and how the Agency, GNS Science, CDEM Groups, and the media can all work together to keep communities safe.
This document sets out the Terms of Reference for the New Zealand Volcanic Science Advisory Panel (NZVSAP).
This Cabinet material has been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), on behalf of Hon Peeni Henare, Minister of Civil Defence.
This plan outlines the national procedures used by the National Emergency Management Agency to advise local authorities, national agencies and the media of possible tsunami that could affect coastal areas of New Zealand.
This report outlines the exercise of statutory powers during the national transition period owing to the impacts of COVID-19.
Briefings on the State of National Emergency and National Transition Period for COVID-19 that have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and National Emergency Management Agency, on behalf of Hon Peeni Henare, Minister of Civil Defence.
On 13 May 2020 changes to the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 were made to ensure a nationally consistent approach to the response to and management of risks arising from COVID-19, and to better deal with concurrent emergencies during COVID-19. These changes are in place until up to 12 May 2022 (two years from commencement of the COVID-19 Public Health response Act 2020), unless revoked earlier. This factsheet provides more information about these changes.
This Cabinet Minute and Cabinet Paper have been proactively released on behalf of Hon Nanaia Mahuta, Minister of Local Government, and Hon Peeni Henare, Minister of Civil Defence. This release includes Cabinet Minute: North Island Drought Financial Assistance (DEV-20-MIN-0038) and Cabinet Paper: Financial assistance relating to the North Island drought (DEV-20-SUB-0038).
This Cabinet minute has been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and National Emergency Management Agency, on behalf of Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister, and Hon Peeni Henare, Minister of Civil Defence.
Just over one year ago, the Government announced Better Responses to Natural Disasters and other Emergencies in New Zealand — its response to the Technical Advisory Group’s Ministerial Review recommendations. This update provides an overview of what’s been achieved so far in the Emergency Management System Reform and what’s on the horizon — both short-term and longer-term.
This Cabinet minute has been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, on behalf of Hon Peeni Henare, Minister of Civil Defence
The Coordinated Incident Management System (CIMS) 3rd edition represents New Zealand’s official framework to achieve effective co-ordinated incident management across responding agencies. From 1 July 2020 the 3rd edition replaces all previous versions of CIMS.
The Review of Recoveries Report summarises the findings of the independent review of how recovery provisions of the CDEM Act supported the recoveries after the 2016 earthquakes and tsunami and the 2017 flooding in the Whakatāne District.
This paper seeks Cabinet’s agreement to an additional contribution of $100,000 (GST exclusive) to the Tasman District Council Mayoral Disaster Relief Fund. The contribution is intended for the Council to help small businesses and animal welfare organisations with their costs, and to remediate local infrastructure and land affected by fire-fighting activities.
The National Disaster Resilience Strategy outlines the vision and long-term goals for civil defence emergency management in New Zealand
This guideline is for use by personnel tasked with developing and managing Civil Defence Emergency Management exercises to assist them in meeting the requirements of the National CDEM Plan 2015 and the Guide to the National CDEM Plan. It may also be of use to those performing similar roles and functions within other agencies.