Government financial support factsheets
These factsheets outline the systems, processes and work scope eligibility criteria as they relate to government financial support to local authorities during or after an emergency.
The factsheets help to clarify Section 33: Government Financial Support to Local Authorities of the Guide to the National CDEM Plan. The fact sheets provide a higher level of guidance and ensure that a consistent approach is adopted with regard to response, other response and recovery claim reimbursements.
Web versions of factsheets:
- Eligibility for essential infrastructure repair or rebuild following an emergency
- Response, other response and recovery claims following an emergency event
- Approval of projects into essential infrastructure recovery programmes for 60:40 funding
- Betterment approval process
- Insurance cover and Government funding assistance relating to the rebuild or repair of damaged below ground and above ground essential infrastructure
- Quarterly reporting process for significant essential infrastructure recovery programmes
- Government contributions to Relief Funds
PDF versions of factsheets:
- Eligibility for essential infrastructure repair or rebuild following an emergency (.pdf 437kb)
- Response, other response and recovery claims following an emergency event (.pdf 186kb)
- Approval of projects into essential infrastructure recovery programmes for 60:40 funding (.pdf 187kb)
- Betterment approval process (.pdf 175kb)
- Insurance cover and Government funding assistance relating to the rebuild or repair of damaged below ground and above ground essential infrastructure (.pdf 134kb)
- Quarterly reporting process for significant essential infrastructure recovery programmes (.pdf 190kb)
- Government contributions to relief funds (.pdf 142kb)