New Zealand Emergency Management Leadership Development Programme

Find out about the New Zealand Emergency Management Leadership Development Programme (NZ EMLDP), submissions and selection.

The Programme

decorative image EMLDP

The New Zealand Emergency Management Leadership Development Programme (NZ EMLDP) is NEMA’s comprehensive leadership development programme for emerging leaders within New Zealand’s Emergency Management (EM) community, growing capacity and resilience in New Zealand’s response to emergencies and adverse events.

The EMLDP is a 12-month Programme that is made up of four key elements:

  1. Pre-work and prerequisites
  2. A 10-day Residential Course
  3. Mentoring from an EMAT Team Member over six months
  4. Facilitated coaching on a ‘Return Day’

The NZ EMLDP will be run annually with 28 participants. It has been modelled on the current EMAT Course, in that, it focuses heavily on inter-personal, intra-personal and leadership development. The course is supported with pre and post Hogan’s 360 psychological assessments that enable an individual to identify areas of strength, and areas where personal and professional development can take place.

NZ EMLDP aims to empower Emergency Management practitioners to make positive change in their home organisations, while simultaneously lifting the capability of the wider sector.

Once participants have completed the programme, the top performing participants may consider tailoring their practical skills and knowledge towards the goal of joining EMAT. Others can expect to be the first to be called as surge staff in either local emergencies as a representative of their home agency, or to support in a deployment style surge staff capacity in other regions. This could include working in Emergency Coordination Centres (ECC), Deployable Command Centres (DCC) or to support in a National lead or support response in the National Coordination Centre (NCC), National Crisis Management Centre (NCMC) or the Alternative National Crisis Management Centre (Alt NCMC).


For this pilot course NEMA identified partner agencies and key stakeholders who were invited to submit submissions for their nominees to attend. This may change for future iterations of EMLDP where potential participants can submit manager supported applications which will then go through an application and selection process.

Partners and key stakeholders that are informed of their invitation to participate in NZ EMLDP will be asked to compile a supporting statement around the suitability and capability of their nominee(s). This will need to be seconded by another appropriate peer. Current NZ EMAT members need not apply.


The NZ EMLDP 2022 residential course was held at Camp Wainui, Wainuiomata, Wellington, over the dates Monday 22 August – Thursday 1 September 2022. Over the following six months the NZ EMLDP 2022 cadre will conduct mentoring and coaching activities which include three one-to-one mentoring sessions, three syndicate coaching sessions, and a cadre return activity to evaluate learning and capability.

Further information

For further information please contact:

Jason Rogers, Programme Director at
