Kermadec Islands Earthquake Post Event Report
The purpose of Kermadec Islands Earthquake Post Event Report is to provide an overview of the MCDEM response to the tsunami threat generated by a large earthquake in the Kermadec Islands on 16 June 2019. The report captures aspects of the response that may be improved and aspects that worked well.
To be effective in its role of putting people at the heart of the emergency management system, MCDEM needs to learn and implement actions for continuous improvement. Every emergency provides an opportunity to reflect on our performance and identify opportunities to become more effective in maintaining public safety and in supporting affected communities, by working with our partners, stakeholders and the media to achieve this.
The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the MCDEM response to the tsunami threat generated by a large earthquake in the Kermadec Islands on 16 June 2019. The report captures aspects of the response that may be improved and aspects that worked well. In particular, the experiences of this event have been viewed through the eyes of the public to identify lessons for effective communication in future events, with the intention of providing clear and timely advice, mitigating confusion, and ultimately, preserving life safety.
The report represents MCDEM’s standard process following each response with debriefing, capturing lessons, and identifying any corrective actions that may be necessary. It focuses on MCDEM’s own response performance; therefore it does not cover the CDEM Groups’ response, nor does it reflect on the wider context of the CDEM framework and its structures.
Download the Kermadec Islands Earthquake Post Event Report (.pdf 263kb)
Published: Sep 3, 2019, 3:20 PM