About Consistent Messages
This page provides information about Consistent Messages.
Consistent Messages for CDEM is a suite of nationally-agreed messages to help people increase their resilience to hazard impacts.
Consistent Messages for CDEM aims to support the development of tailored communications across the ‘4 Rs’ of emergency management: readiness, reduction, response and recovery.
When we consistently give the same messages, we reinforce the right advice, generate better public confidence, and promote faster, better co-ordinated and informed actions by the public.
This guide incorporates advice on best practice messaging from universities, science agencies, emergency services, government organisations and the insurance industry.
Consistent Messages for CDEM has been developed by and for New Zealand’s Civil Defence Emergency Management whānau/family: emergency managers, public information managers, educators, risk mitigation specialists, media personnel, communicators and hazard scientists.
Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Groups and other emergency management system agencies are welcome to copy and paste the messages without attribution. Use these messages as your own and add local details to suit your local context.
Media, other organisations and individuals are also welcome to use Consistent Messages for CDEM, attributing messaging to the National Emergency Management Agency.
You can consult Consistent Messages for CDEM when developing public information related to hazards, emergency management preparedness, events, and recovery. You should also use it when you are developing hazard-related educational material, displays and bulletin boards, print and online media, radio and television broadcasts and any other medium in which emergency safety is communicated to the public.
Consistent Messages for CDEM is divided into several sections aligned with the ‘4 Rs’ of emergency management: reduction, readiness, response and recovery.
The first four sections focus on reduction, readiness, response and recovery messages that are common across hazards.
The remaining sections provide hazard-specific messages for natural hazards. Each hazard-specific section is divided into reduction, readiness, response and recovery messages specific to these hazards.
Consistent Messages for CDEM is a “living document”, designed to be updated with evolving best practice. This current online version updates and replaces Working from the Same Page: Consistent Messages for CDEM version 1.0, June 2010.
Messaging was agreed through consensus between the contributing agencies and organisations, which specialise in emergency management, natural and other hazards and risk communication. The messaging has been carefully refined to ensure accuracy, consistency and appropriateness.
Date | Changes |
October 2022 | Full update |
September 2023 | Revision to storing water messages: advice to not use fruit juice containers removed from storing your own water section. |
October 2023 | Update to broken link: Maritime NZ Responding to Oil Spills |
February 2024 | Update to broken link: Tsunami boat safe distance map |
June 2024 | Added Fire and Emergency New Zealand to list of Contributing Agencies Updated and expanded Telephones and communication messages Update to broken link: Protecting your health in an emergency Inserted Wildfire section |
July 2024 |
Deleted reference to Covid Tracer App in Pandemic section |
August 2024 |
Updates to links in Volcanic Activity: further information section |
Consistent Messages for CDEM is the product of a collaborative effort between agencies and organisations in partnership with Civil Defence Emergency Management. Contributing agencies and organisations include:
- University of Auckland
- Department of Conservation
- GNS Science
- Wellington Region Emergency Management Office
- MetService, Te Ratonga Tirorangi
- Ministry of Health
- Waikato Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
- Massey University
- Fire and Emergency New Zealand
The information contained in this document is provided for general information purposes only. The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) endeavours to ensure that the information is reliable and accurate. However, any person who relies upon any information contained herein does so at their own risk and NEMA disclaims any liability arising from the use of the information.
It is available, along with further information about NEMA, on the NEMA website www.civildefence.govt.nz.