Registrations open for ShakeOut’s tenth anniversary earthquake drill

Registrations are now open for New Zealand ShakeOut 2022, our national earthquake drill and tsunami hīkoi. You can sign up at

EQC Chief Executive Tina Mitchell and NEMA Chief Executive Dave Gawn admire the artwork of Wā Ora Montesorri School students, under the watchful eye of Civil Defence mascot Stan.
Registrations open for ShakeOut’s tenth anniversary earthquake drill.
Registrations are now open for New Zealand ShakeOut 2022, our national earthquake drill and tsunami hīkoi. You can sign up at
On 27 October at 9:30am, Aotearoa New Zealand will have the opportunity to learn and practise the correct actions to take during an earthquake and tsunami by participating in this year’s ShakeOut drill. This year’s drill was launched this week with support from children from Lower Hutt’s Wā Ora Montessori School, who joined officials at Parliament to kick off ShakeOut 2022 with an emergency-themed art activity (see attached pic, caption below).
2022 marks the 10- year anniversary of the first national ShakeOut. Over the last decade, the Drop, Cover and Hold drill has been practised millions of times by Kiwis all across Aotearoa. Last year, around 665,000 Kiwis took part.
Drop, Cover and Hold is the right action to take in an earthquake. It stops you being knocked over, makes you a smaller target for falling and flying objects and protects your head, neck and vital organs.
“It’s great to see so many people getting involved in ShakeOut,” says Director Civil Defence Emergency Management Gary Knowles. “By doing ShakeOut every year, we’ll all know how to keep ourselves safe in an earthquake.
“ShakeOut also provides us with the opportunity to talk with our whānau, friends and colleagues about preparedness and the steps we can take in our day-to-day lives to make sure our communities are ready to be resilient.”
New Zealand ShakeOut is a partnership between The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and EQC. EQC’s Chief Executive, Tina Mitchell says the success of ShakeOut over the past 10 years has been an important part of getting New Zealanders prepared for an earthquake and tsunami.
“ShakeOut reminds us that we can do something about our earthquake risk. Taking time to think about how hazards can affect us and taking steps to prepare is what makes a big difference in disasters.”
Sign up your business, school, household or community to ShakeOut in 2022 – it only takes two minutes.
Before the drill, learn about the earthquake and tsunami risk in your area. If you’re in a coastal area, know your tsunami evacuation zone and make plans to practice your tsunami hīkoi as part of your ShakeOut drill.
Share the ShakeOut – use the resources available on to get the people around you involved.
Find out more and sign up to New Zealand ShakeOut 2022 at
Published: Jun 29, 2022, 3:51 PM