What to do during a flood or if a flood is imminent
What to do during a flood or if a flood is imminent
What to do during a flood or if a flood is imminent
What to do if you think a landslide is about to happen
What to do if you think a landslide is about to happen
What to do if you think a landslide is about to happen
Advice for people in coastal areas
Advice for people in coastal areas
Advice for people in coastal areas when a tsunami is possible
What to do when a volcanic eruption threatens
What to do when a volcanic eruption threatens
What to do when a volcanic eruption threatens
What to do during a volcanic eruption
What to do during a volcanic eruption
What to do during a volcanic eruption
What to do after a volcanic eruption
What to do after a volcanic eruption
What to do after a volcanic eruption
Cabinet Paper: Planning for the emergency relocation of Executive Government and Parliament following a major Wellington earthquake - 18 June 2014 - Office of the Minister of Civil Defence
Cabinet paper - Emergency Relocation (723 KB)
This cabinet paper that outlines draft arrangements to temporarily relocate Parliament and Executive Government in case of a major emergency in Wellington.
Tsunami Seminars 2013: Speaker presentations
Tsunami Seminars 2013: Speaker presentations
These seminars follow on from the successful seminars organised by the Ministry in 2010. The 2013 seminars focussed on the latest developments in the Tsunami Risk Management Programme.