This guide explains how Emergency Mobile Alerts work and answers questions that media and their auidences may have.
These Cabinet documents have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and the National Emergency Managment Agency (NEMA), on behalf of the Minister for Emergency Managment, Hon Kieran McAnulty.
This Cabinet Paper and Cabinet Minute have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and National Emergency Management Agency, on behalf of Hon Peeni Henare, Minister of Civil Defence. These proactively released documents were previously published on the website on 8 May 2020.
Nationally agreed, consistent messages for all civil defence emergency management organisations and emergency services to use.
This Cabinet Minute (CAB-22-MIN-0101 refers) has been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), on behalf of the Minister for Emergency Management, Hon Kieran McAnulty.
This Cabinet Paper (GOV-22-SUB-0007 refers) and Cabinet Minutes (GOV-22-MIN-0007 refers and CAB-22-MIN-0126 refers) have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), on behalf of Hon Kieran McAnulty, Minister for Emergency Management.
This Cabinet Paper (GOV-22-SUB-0017) and Cabinet Minutes (GOV-22-MIN-0017 and CAB-22-MIN-0229) have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and National Emergency Management Agency, on behalf of Hon Kieran McAnulty, Minister for Emergency Management.
This Cabinet Paper (GOV-22-SUB-006) and Cabinet Minutes (GOV-22-MIN-0006 and CAB-22-MIN-0126) have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and National Emergency Management Agency, on behalf of Hon Kieran McAnulty, Minister for Emergency Management.
This Cabinet Minute has been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the National Emergency Management Agency on behalf of Hon Kiri Allan, Minister for Emergency Management.
This Cabinet Paper (CAB-21-SUP-0065) and Cabinet Minutes (GOV-21-MIN-0065 and CAB-21-MIN-0550) have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and National Emergency Management Agency, on behalf of Hon Kiri Allan, Minister for Emergency Management.
This Cabinet Minute has been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the National Emergency Management Agency on behalf of Hon Kiri Allan, Minister for Emergency Management.
This Cabinet Minute has been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the National Emergency Management Agency on behalf of Hon Kiri Allan, Minister for Emergency Management.
This Cabinet Minute has been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the National Emergency Management Agency on behalf of Hon Kiri Allan, Minister for Emergency Management.
This Cabinet Minute has been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the National Emergency Management Agency on behalf of Hon Kiri Allan, Minister for Emergency Management.
This Cabinet paper (CAB-21-SUB-0332) and Cabinet minute (CAB-21-MIN-0332) have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and National Emergency Management Agency, on behalf of Hon Kiri Allan, Minister for Emergency Management.
This Cabinet Minute has been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the National Emergency Management Agency on behalf of Hon Kiri Allan, Minister for Emergency Management.
The following documents have been proactively released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), on behalf of (Hon Kiritapu Allan), Minister for Emergency Management: Title of paper: Emergency Management System Reform (GOV-21-SUB-0043 refers) Title of minute: Emergency Management System Reform (GOV-21-MIN-0043 refers)
This guideline is to provide information for anyone seeking to apply for funding from the Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Resilience Fund.
The purpose of this document is to describe the Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) awards available to people, groups or organisations in New Zealand in recognition of contribution or service to CDEM and the process for nominations.
The purpose of this Guideline is to provide an overview of the concept of impact assessments in a Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) context.