Floods – Otago
Dunedin Severe Weather
04 Oct 2024
12:38 AM
06 Oct 2024
5:00 PM
Heavy rainfall impacted the Otago region, particularly Dunedin and the Clutha District. A State of local emergency was declared for Dunedin City at 11:55pm on 3 October 2024 due to significant impacts caused by heavy rainfall. A State of local emergency was declared for Clutha District at 1:05pm on 4 October 2024 due to significant flooding impacts. Both states of emergency were terminated on 6 October 2024.
Floods – Southland
Southland flooding
23 Sep 2023
2:04 PM
25 Sep 2023
10:00 AM
Heavy rainfall caused significant surface flooding in the Gore district. A state of local emergency was declared on 21 September 2023.
Floods – Otago
Queenstown flooding
22 Sep 2023
6:33 AM
25 Sep 2023
10:02 AM
Heavy rainfall caused flooding in Queenstown. A state of local emergency was declared on 22 September 2023.
Floods – National
North Island Severe Weather events
28 Jan 2023
9:18 PM
13 Jul 2023
10:29 AM
Cyclone Gabrielle caused severe impacts in may parts of New Zealand from 12 February 2023. Local states of emergency were already in place for Auckland and Waikato. Further local states of emergency were declared for Northland, Bay of Plenty, Opotiki District, Whakatane District, Waikato District, Hauraki District, Tairawhiti, and Tararua District. At 8:43am on 14 February 2023 a State of National Emergency declared owing to Cyclone Gabrielle for the Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Tairāwhiti and Hawke's Bay Regions. A further declaration was made at 1:17pm on 14 February to include the Tararua District. The state of national emergency was extended on Tuesday the 21st of February, Tuesday the 28th of February, and Tuesday the 7th of March, with each extension lasting an additional seven days. As of the 28th of February, the State of National Emergency concluded for the Bay of Plenty region. On the 3rd of March, the State of National Emergency was concluded in Northland, Auckland, Waikato, and the Tararua District. The State of National Emergency, which encompassed Tairāwhiti and Hawke's Bay, concluded on the 14th of March and was replaced with a National Transition Period.
Floods – Auckland
Auckland severe weather and floods
28 Jan 2023
12:32 AM
13 Jul 2023
10:27 AM
A local state of emergency for Auckland was declared on 27 January 2023 owing to severe weather. The declaration was extended on 3 February 2023 and again on 9 February 2023. The state of local emergency ended on 14 February 2023 when a State of National Emergency was declared.
Floods – National
West Coast Severe Weather
16 Aug 2022
3:33 PM
31 Aug 2022
5:01 PM
A heavy rain event caused impacts across the top of south island. States of local emergency were declared for the West Coast region on 16 August 2022, Nelson-Tasman region on 17 August 2022 and Marlborough region on 19 August 2022. The Nelson-Tasman and Marlborough regions were particularly affected by significant flooding and slips requiring evacuations and cutting off road access to some communities.
Floods – National
Local State of Emergency declared for Pleasant Point Temuka Ward
21 Jul 2022
12:10 AM
28 Jul 2022
9:49 AM
A local State of Emergency for the Pleasant Point- Temuka Ward was declared on 20 July 2022. due to a heavy rain flood event. The severe weather also impacted many other parts of the country causing flooding, slips and road closures. The local state of emergency expired on 27 July 2022 and was replaced with a notice of a local transition period.
Floods – Tairawhiti
Gisborne Flooding
04 Nov 2021
2:45 PM
08 Nov 2021
1:44 PM
Tairāwhiti Civil Defence declared a local state of emergency at 2pm 04 November 2021 for heavy rain causing flooding in the Tairāwhiti region. This was terminated on the following day.
Floods – Hawke's Bay
Napier flooding
10 Nov 2020
7:40 AM
30 Nov 2020
12:48 PM
A state of local emergency was declared for Napier City on 9 November 2020 due widespread flooding after heavy rain. The declaration was lifted on 13 November 2020.
Floods – National
Milford Sound flooding
03 Feb 2020
2:02 PM
18 Feb 2020
2:20 PM
Widespread flooding in the lower South Island resulted in evacuations in Milford, Gore, Mataura and Wyndham, and extensive road closures across the Southland region.
A State of Emergency was declared for the Fiordland Community Board Area on 3 February 2020 owing to flooding in the Fiordland area. On 4 February States of Emergency were declared in for the Southland Region, including Gore, and for the Clutha District owing to widespread flooding. The State of Emergency for the Clutha District was lifted on 7 February. The State of Emergency for Southland ended on Tuesday 18 February and was replaced with a Transition Notice.
Floods – Canterbury
Flooding - Rangitata Area Timaru District
07 Dec 2019
2:15 PM
20 Dec 2019
1:55 PM
A local state of emergency was declared in the Timaru District on 7 December 2019 due to flooding in the Rangitata area. The state of emergency was lifted on 13 December 2019.
Floods – Bay of Plenty
A local State of Emergency has been declared in Rotorua
29 Apr 2018
8:43 PM
06 May 2018
8:25 PM
State of emergency declared for Rotorua (5:35pm Sunday 29 April) following flooding in Ngongotaha. Some evacuations and damage to residential properties occured.
The state of emergency expired at 5:35pm Sunday 6 May.
States of local emergency declared in Timaru and Dunedin
21 Jul 2017
8:08 PM
25 Jul 2017
4:22 PM
Local states of emergency were declared from 21 July 2017 for Canterbury (Selwyn, Christchurch and Timaru Districts) and Otago (originally Waitaki and Dunedin City Districts, then superseded by a region-wide declaration) in response to heavy rainfall and flooding. All declarations were terminated or superseded by notice of local transition period by 25 July 2017.
Floods – Manawatū - Whanganui
RAIN EVENT #8 - Daylight brings relief to Region
06 Apr 2017
8:36 AM
06 Apr 2017
3:04 PM
Whanganui Town Bridge river levels peaked at approximately 6am this morning at 7.4 metres, which means flooding concerns have receded for the district.
Floods – West Coast
Franz Josef flooding
24 Mar 2016
10:49 AM
25 Mar 2016
9:00 AM
A state of local emergency was declared for Franz Josef at 2:00am on 24 March 2016 as a result of the Waiho River flooding. Westland Civil Defence has issued a boil water notice for the whole of the Franz Josef town water supply area. This will stay in effect until further notice as a safety precaution. The town water supply is secure for the main town area and work is continuing to confirm the integrity of the supply to the wider Franz Josef area particularly to the north of the Town Centre. There is currently no unbooked overnight accommodation available in the greater Franz Josef area. There is a Red Cross Welfare Centre set up in the town and on standby if needed. All state highways north and south of Franz Josef are currently open and all booked accommodation will be honoured unless visitors are contacted by accommodation providers directly. The Civil Defence state of emergency will stay in place overnight and will be reviewed at 9.00am tomorrow morning (25 March 2016).
Floods – West Coast
Hokitika Floods
21 Jun 2015
8:07 AM
06 Jul 2015
10:00 AM
Westland District Council has transitioned to a recovery phase. Council staff have a Recovery team in place monitoring the cleanup of the town centre and surrounding streets, and are liaising with affected property owners. If there are any concerns about your property or safety please contact Westland District Council on 0800 474 834 or visit www.westlanddc.govt.nz/flooding-update for more information.
Floods – Taranaki
State of Emergency lifted
20 Jun 2015
10:22 PM
27 Jun 2015
9:00 PM
Taranaki CDEM is in the recovery phase of the June 20-21 heavy rain and flooding event. The Taranaki CDEM Group continues to work alongside response and lifeline agencies to begin the recovery from the disaster, and the immediate and critical needs of households and communities affected by the flooding will be met for as long as necessary. Visit www.trc.govt.nz/Taranaki-Civil-Defence/ for more information.
Floods – Manawatū - Whanganui
State of Emergency lifted
20 Jun 2015
5:18 PM
02 Jul 2015
12:00 PM
Mayor Annette Main lifted the state of local emergency for the Wanganui District as at 12 noon Thursday, 2 July 2015. The emergency status had been in place since Saturday June 20, after the district experienced a massive amount of localised rainfall resulting in flooding. Information on the recovery efforts are available at www.wanganui.govt.nz.
Floods – Wellington
Flooding and Severe Weather across Wellington Region
20 Jun 2015
1:10 AM
21 Jun 2015
8:00 AM
Flooding and Severe Weather is affecting parts of the Wellington Region - Kapiti Coast, Wairarapa and Lower Hutt. See http://getprepared.org.nz/status for details.
Floods – West Coast
West Coast flooding, particularly Westport and surrounds
06 Mar 2015
12:35 PM
07 Mar 2015
2:30 PM
The current weather situation in Buller has subsided and surface flooding is dropping. However, further heavy rainfall is forecast for the Buller in the early hours of tomorrow morning. Buller Civil Defence encourages residents to make provisions and to prepare themselves as much as possible.
Floods – Bay of Plenty
20 Aug 2014
9:12 PM
20 Aug 2014
Floods – Manawatū - Whanganui
Wanganui flooding
14 Oct 2013
15 Oct 2013
The Mayor of Wanganui declared a local state of emergency in Wanganui in response to persistent heavy rain and high river levels.
Floods – Nelson - Tasman
Nelson Flooding
13 Dec 2011
28 Dec 2011
8:00 AM
Nelson Flooding
Floods – Hawke's Bay
Hawke’s Bay flooding
28 Apr 2011
7:30 AM
03 May 2011
8:00 AM
Central Hawke’s Bay District Council declared in response to flooding and landslips in the Hawke’s Bay area.
Floods – Marlborough
PIcton flooding
30 Jul 2008
4:00 PM
31 Jul 2008
3:00 PM
Declaration made to assist police in evacuating approx. 40 people in Picton.
Floods – Otago
MIlton flooding
30 Jul 2007
31 Jul 2007
On Monday 30 July 2007, over 90mm of rain fell in the Milton area. A Civil Defence emergency was declared for the Bruce Ward, particularly the Milton Township, at 8.40pm on Monday 30 July. The declaration was lifted at 9.00am on the morning of Tuesday 31 July after rain subsided and the recovery structure was in place.
Floods – Northland
Far North flooding
10 Jul 2007
13 Jul 2007
The Far North District Council Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) was activated at 0952 hours on 10 July and stood down at 1230 hours on Friday 13 July. A Local State of Emergency was declared by Her Worship the Mayor, Yvonne Sharp, at 1615 hours on 10 July. The state of emergency was terminated at 1500 hours on Friday 13 July 2007.
Floods – Manawatū - Whanganui
Rangitikei District flooding
07 Jul 2006
5:19 PM
08 Jul 2006
8:51 AM
Declared at 1719 only for purpose of evacuation of people in lower Whangeahu valley. Enforcement powers ware required as some people resisted evacuation and the local Controller wanted all at risk to be evacuated before dark- river was still rising and flooding expected. Air force helicopter supported evacuations. Declaration lifted following morning at 0851.
Floods – Bay of Plenty
Flooding, Landslips
17 May 2005
6:43 PM
30 May 2005
Declared at 1843 for Edgecumbe-Tarawera Ward. Matata township significant damage due to mudslides and debris flows down mountain. 27 homes destroyed, 87 damaged. Local roads, SH2 & rail extensively damaged. Evacuations.
Floods – Bay of Plenty
Whakatane District Flooding, Landslips
17 Jul 2004
9:47 PM
30 Jul 2004
Declared at 2147 for Whakatane urban area. Declaration extended due to concern about further adverse weather forecasts. Widespread road, infrastructure water, power, sewage disruptions throughout district, impacting on mainly Whakatane and Edgecumbe urban areas, vast rural areas due to Whakatane river breaching stop banks (in exces of 15,000ha farmland inundated). About 215 houses uninhabitable, more that 1300 evacuations. One death due to tree falling on motorist. Landslips aggravated by earthquake swarm (more than 100 shallow earthquakes) around Lake Rotoehu coinciding with the flood impact period. MCDEM appointed Recovery Facilitator.
Floods – Bay of Plenty
Opotiki District Flooding, Landslips
17 Jul 2004
5:00 PM
23 Jul 2004
Declared at 1700 for Waiotahi Ward. One death at Ohiwa Beach due to landslip. Numerous road closures due to flooding, houses evacuated due to deemed unsafe (mainly landslip threat). 10 houses uninhabitable. About 30 persons evacuated. Widespread water and power disruptions.
Floods – Manawatū - Whanganui
Manawatu- Wanganui Region flooding
17 Feb 2004
8:00 PM
25 Feb 2004
12:00 AM
Declared for whole region at 2000 hrs, effectively ending the Rangitikei and Manawatu declarations made the previous morning. (See Rangitikei & Manawatu District declarations above). Similar conditions in Horowhenua District, although no declaration was made earlier by that District. Tararua, Ruapehu & Wanganui Districts also affected. Summary on event: Intense rainfall and gale force winds from 15-23 February have affected the lower North Island and top of the South Island with extensive and severe flooding and some wind damage. The river peak of the Manawatu River was the second largest on record, the largest being recorded in 1902. The peak of the Rangitikei was the third largest on record since 1897. Estimated to be NZ’s largest disaster in 20 years. More than a thousand evacuees. Approx 500 houses damaged. 4 bridges destroyed, 21 bridges seriously damaged. Widespread roads, rail closure, widespread power & phone outages. Stock losses estimated at 1300.
Floods – Marlborough
Picton flooding
17 Feb 2004
1:37 PM
18 Feb 2004
Declared at 1337 hrs for Picton Ward. About 1000 people had to be evacuated in fear of a break in the Burns Dam (a reservoir above the town) due to high inflow capacities and possible landslips into the reservoir. Heavy flooding in Alexandra Holiday Park area. Declaration ended when engineers declared the dam to be safe.
Floods – Taranaki
Patea Ward flooding
17 Feb 2004
11:00 AM
27 Feb 2004
Declared for Patea Ward (Waitotara Township and Waitotara Valley) at 1100 hrs due to severe flooding. Approximately 100 residents had to be evacuated. No reticulated water supply, sewerage tanks had to be pumped. Telephones & power also out.
Floods – Manawatū - Whanganui
Manawatu District Flooding
16 Feb 2004
3:10 AM
17 Feb 2004
Declared at 0310 hrs for District due to severe flooding. 100 year event in certain areas. Defence resources required. Approximately 350 evacuees. Feilding isolated, many bridges out. Widespread road & rail closures. Water & power outages throughout District. Major issue main gas pipeline to Hawkes Bay closed.
Floods – Manawatū - Whanganui
Rangitikei District Flooding
16 Feb 2004
2:55 AM
17 Feb 2004
Declared at 0255 hrs for District due to severe flooding with significant problems in Marton. 100 year event in certain areas. Approximately 530 people evacuated. Communications (phones) out due to bridges supporting cables collapsing. Water & power outages throughout District. Certain parts of District isolated. Declaration ended on 17 February due to a Regional declaration being made.
Floods – Wellington
Kapiti Coast District flooding
04 Oct 2003
12:30 AM
09 Oct 2003
Declared at 0030 hrs for District, although damage was limited to Paekakariki town and Paekakariki Hill Road. Damage caused by major flooding and landslips (mud & rubble) at Paekakariki. Several families evacuated, welfare centre established. Health issues due to sewerage problems. Wellington cut off (road and rail) until afternoon of 04.10.2003. Air crash at Waikanae might have complicated response. Duration of declaration mainly due to clean-up process.
Floods – Waikato
South Waikato District floods
21 Jun 2002
8:00 AM
23 Jun 2002
5:00 PM
Declared at 0800 hrs for Putararu & Tirau Wards. Terminated at 1700 on 23/07. “Weather Bomb” caused extensive flooding. Main problems nil water supply, no power, resulting in a need to regulate water supply & consumption. Several roads closed, Kinleith branch railway line closed. Considerable damage to private properties, no evacuations.
Floods – Waikato
Thames District flooding
21 Jun 2002
3:03 AM
24 Jun 2002
5:00 PM
Declared at 0303 hrs for District. Terminated at 1700 on 24/07. “Weather Bomb” caused extensive flooding, power failures, overloading of waste water systems. All flooding between midnight & 1240am. Some areas recorded highest rainfall ever per hour. 200 houses evacuated, 500 evacuees. SH 25 closed. One death- person swept to sea at Waiomu Motor camp. 14500 insurance claims as at 2 August 2002. Estimated at $25 million (highest ever linked to a disaster event in NZ).
Floods – Otago
Clutha District flooding
18 Nov 1999
7:18 PM
21 Nov 1999
1:00 PM
Declared at 1918hrs. Terminated at 1300, 3 days later. Flooding in Balclutha (110 people evacuated); Kaitangata (30 people)
Floods – Otago
Central Otago District flooding
17 Nov 1999
8:30 AM
19 Nov 1999
5:00 PM
Declared at 0830 hours. Terminated at 1700, 2 days later. Flooding in Alexandra (200+ businesses & houses); Roxburgh, Miller’s Flat, Ettrick.
Floods – Bay of Plenty
Rotorua District flooding
01 May 1999
11:47 AM
01 May 1999
4:09 PM
Declared at 1147, lifted at 1609 same day. A small number of self evacuations were carried out.
Floods – Northland
Far North District floods
22 Jan 1999
8:58 AM
10 Feb 1999
Declared at 0858; DRC appointed. Impact in Hokianga area: 4 communities severely affected; 270 people evacuated; 80 in emergency accommodation; 96 sections damaged; 75 houses damaged; 3 houses destroyed. Est. cost impact $4.3m.
Floods – Manawatū - Whanganui
Ruapehu District floods
30 Oct 1998
12:30 PM
04 Nov 1998
9:15 AM
Floods – Manawatū - Whanganui
Wanganui District floods
29 Oct 1998
6:30 AM
30 Oct 1998
2:00 PM
Declared at 0630; lifted 1400 next day. Declaration to facilitate evacuation of 62 residential properties & 45 commercial premises threatened by possible overtopping of the stopbanks of the Whanganui River. 75 evacuees; 24 in motel accommodation. Stopbanks not breached although some localised inundation occurred.
Floods – Wellington
Kapiti Coast District flooding
28 Oct 1998
8:00 AM
30 Oct 1998
7:30 AM
Declared at 0800. This time 50-60 houses evacuated, 1 death. Lifted 0730.
Floods – West Coast
Buller District floods
27 Oct 1998
4:30 PM
28 Oct 1998
1:55 PM
Declared at 1630, lifted 1355 next day. A replay of the previous week, 220 evacuated, 20 houses flooded through (12 at Seddonville, 1 at Mohikinui, 4 at Karamea and 3 at Waimare.
Floods – Wellington
Kapiti Coast District flooding
21 Oct 1998
1:05 AM
22 Oct 1998
1:00 PM
Declared at 0105, lifted 1300 next day; 13 houses evacuated in Otaihanga area of Waikanae.
Floods – West Coast
Buller District flooding
19 Oct 1998
10:30 PM
20 Oct 1998
1:40 PM
Declared at 2230, lifted 1340 next day. Karamea: 7 houses inundated; 66 people evacuated. Seddonville: 6 homes & hotel evacuated. Waimare: 3 baches evacuated.
Floods – Canterbury
Hakataramea floods
14 Dec 1995
9:15 PM
18 Dec 1995
8:02 AM
Declared at 2115 for Hakataramea. 7 houses evacuated (17 people). River peaked at 3300 cumecs (mean flow at Waitaki Dam is 350). Terminated at 0802 on 18th.