Find emergency management news and events in Aotearoa New Zealand.
193 results
Central North Island Flooding June 2015 – Recovery Information
The Manwatū-Whanganui and Taranaki regions are now in the recovery phase following the heavy rain and flooding event of June 2015.
e-Bulletin July 2015
The Ministry publishes e-Bulletin eight months a year to provide short, quick updates about civil defence emergency management (CDEM) and related information. It is for people in the CDEM sector and those with an interest in CDEM. This edition features a foreword from the Director, June 2015 floods, the New Zealand Symposium on Disaster Risk Reduction, New Zealand ShakeOut update, Southland utilises social media for snow warnings, Youth Looking Beyond Disaster and more.
Consultation on the draft Revised Guide to the National CDEM Plan 2015 (17 July - 11 September)
The draft Revised Guide to the National CDEM Plan 2015 (the revised Guide) outlines New Zealand’s arrangements for the national management or support for local management of emergencies.
June 2015 Impact Magazine
Impact is published quarterly by the Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management on topics of interest to the civil defence emergency management sector. The aim is to share information and lessons, and to celebrate successes. This edition features a foreword from the Director; articles about flooding in the Wellington region, Otago helps to strengthen Indonesian resilience, Earthquakes fuel public interest, New Zealand ShakeOut, CDEM Controllers Development Programme and more.
Update on regions affected by flooding
The Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management has activated the National Crisis Management Centre this morning to be ready to support regions affected by flooding.
Sign language interpreter Jeremy Borland backing New Zealand ShakeOut
Sign language interpreter Jeremy Borland is the latest prominent New Zealander to get behind New Zealand ShakeOut, our national earthquake drill, taking place at 9:15am, 15 October 2015.
Logistics guideline published
The Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management today (Friday 12 June 2015) published Logistics in CDEM: Director's Guidelines for Civil Defence Emergency Management Groups. This will complete another recommendation from the Review of the CDEM Response to the 22 February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake.
More than 250,000 registered for New Zealand ShakeOut
More than 250,000 people have already registered to take part in New Zealand ShakeOut, our national earthquake drill.
Earthquake preparedness advice updated
The Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management has published updated advice about how to prepare for earthquakes.