– National
Kermadec Islands earthquake
05 Mar 2021
7:29 AM
06 Mar 2021
3:46 PM
A magnitude 7.4 earthquake in the Kermadec Islands occurred at 6:41am on 5 March 2021. This quake followed an earlier magnitude 7.3 earthquake at 2:27am in the Hikurangi region. A National Advisory: Tsunami Activity was issued at 7:29am for the East Coast of the North Island from the Bay of Islands to Whangarei. At 8:28am a second magnitude 8:1 earthquake occurred in the same area.
– National
Hikurangi earthquake
05 Mar 2021
2:40 AM
06 Mar 2021
3:52 PM
A magnitude 7.3 earthquake occurred in the Hikurangi area east of the North Island at 2:27am on 5 March 2021. A National Advisory: Earthquake Being Assessed message was issued at 2:40am. At 3:28am a Tsunami Warning: Land and Marine was issued advising people to evacuate the East Coast of the North Island from Cape Runaway to Tolaga Bay. An emergency mobile alert was issued to the areas under land and marine threat. At 5:02am the threat was downgraded to a National Advisory: Tsunami Activity following advice from GNS Science that there was no longer a land threat. The National Advisory was cancelled at 6:01am following advice that the threat of strong and unusual currents and surges had passed. This earthquake was followed by two large quakes in the Kermadec Islands: a magnitude 7.4 quake at 6:41am and a magnitude 8.1 quake at 8:28am.
Other – National
Large Pacific Earthquake Being Assessed
11 Feb 2021
2:40 AM
12 Feb 2021
8:32 AM
A magnitude 7.7 earthquake southeast the Loyalty Islands occured at 2:20am on 11 February 2021. The earthquake was assessed by the National Emergency Management Agency and a National Advisory: Tsunami Activity message was issued.
Floods – Hawke's Bay
Napier flooding
10 Nov 2020
7:40 AM
30 Nov 2020
12:48 PM
A state of local emergency was declared for Napier City on 9 November 2020 due widespread flooding after heavy rain. The declaration was lifted on 13 November 2020.
Earthquakes – National
Kermadec Islands earthquake
19 Jun 2020
12:50 AM
19 Jun 2020
1:37 AM
A magnitude 7.4 earthquake south of the Kermadec Islands occured at 12:50am on 19 June 2020. The earthquake was assessed by the National Emergency Management Agency and a National Advisory: No Tsunami Threat to New Zealand message was issued.
Pandemic – National
25 Mar 2020
1:06 PM
26 May 2022
4:01 PM
A nationwide state of national emergency was declared on 25 March 2020 at 12:21pm due to COVID-19 and was extended six times. The state of national emergency ended on 13 May 2020 at 12:21pm and was replaced by a National Transition Period. The state of national emergency covered all of New Zealand including the Chatham Islands, Stewart Island, and other offshore islands. The National Transition Period was terminated at 1.53pm on Monday 8 June 2020.
Visit covid19.govt.nz to get the latest information about Aotearoa New Zealand's response to COVID-19 and what you can do to protect yourself.
Floods – National
Milford Sound flooding
03 Feb 2020
2:02 PM
18 Feb 2020
2:20 PM
Widespread flooding in the lower South Island resulted in evacuations in Milford, Gore, Mataura and Wyndham, and extensive road closures across the Southland region.
A State of Emergency was declared for the Fiordland Community Board Area on 3 February 2020 owing to flooding in the Fiordland area. On 4 February States of Emergency were declared in for the Southland Region, including Gore, and for the Clutha District owing to widespread flooding. The State of Emergency for the Clutha District was lifted on 7 February. The State of Emergency for Southland ended on Tuesday 18 February and was replaced with a Transition Notice.
Volcanic unrest – Bay of Plenty
Volcanic eruption at White Island
09 Dec 2019
3:15 PM
20 Dec 2019
2:03 PM
At 2:11pm on Monday 9 December 2019, Whakaari White Island erupted. The eruptions were short-lived and generated an ash plume to ~12,000ft above the vent. Forty seven people were on the island at the time of the eruption, resulting in multiple injuries and fatalities. A key focus of the response has been on supporting the victims, their friends and families and on recovery of bodies that remain on or in the vicinity of the island.
Floods – Canterbury
Flooding - Rangitata Area Timaru District
07 Dec 2019
2:15 PM
20 Dec 2019
1:55 PM
A local state of emergency was declared in the Timaru District on 7 December 2019 due to flooding in the Rangitata area. The state of emergency was lifted on 13 December 2019.
Other – Auckland
Auckland Central City Fire
22 Oct 2019
6:42 PM
29 Oct 2019
8:44 AM
Updates and advice about the fire at the New Zealand International Convention Centre on Hobson Street in central Auckland is available on Auckland Council's Our Auckland website: https://ourauckland.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/articles/news/2019/10/fire-in-auckland-central-city/
Tsunami – National
Large Pacific Earthquake Being Assessed
16 Jun 2019
11:11 AM
17 Jun 2019
10:09 AM
The beach and marine tsunami warning has been cancelled.
There is no tsunami threat to New Zealand following the magnitude 7.0 Kermadec Islands region earthquake at 10.55am.
Based on current information, the initial assessment is that the earthquake is unlikely to have caused a tsunami that will pose a threat to New Zealand.
Tsunami – National
No tsunami threat to New Zealand
15 May 2019
1:29 AM
15 May 2019
8:21 AM
There is no tsunami threat to New Zealand following the magnitude 7.7 New Britain Region Papua New Guinea earthquake at 12.58am 15 May.
Based on current information, the initial assessment is that the earthquake is unlikely to have caused a tsunami that will pose a threat to New Zealand.
Severe weather – West Coast
Severe Weather in Westland District
26 Mar 2019
5:45 PM
29 Mar 2019
10:02 AM
A local state of emergency was declared in the Westland District at 1745hrs on 26 March 2019 due to severe weather.
For further updates please go to: https://www.facebook.com/emergencywestcoast
Wildfire – Nelson - Tasman
Nelson Tasman Fire
06 Feb 2019
5:40 PM
27 Feb 2019
8:45 AM
A state of local emergency was declared at 8.00am Wednesday 6 February 2019 in the Nelson Tasman Civil Defence Emergency Management Group area due to the effects of the Pigeon Valley Fire.
The state of emergency expired at 8:00 am, 27 February 2019.
Food safety – Wellington
Boil Water Notice – Martinborough Township area
01 Feb 2019
6:21 PM
05 Feb 2019
3:45 PM
A boil water notice was issued on Friday 1 February 2019 for Martinborough Township. An Emergency Mobile Alert was issued on Friday 1 February 2019 and again on Saturday 2 February 2019.
See https://www.swdc.govt.nz/ for more information.
Tsunami – National
Large Pacific Earthquake Being Assessed
05 Dec 2018
5:37 PM
06 Dec 2018
10:27 AM
A 7.6M earthquake occured at 5.18pm on Wednesday 5 December 2018 southeast of Loyalty Islands. A no tsunami threat national advisory was issued by the Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management.
Earthquakes – National
No tsunami threat to New Zealand
30 Oct 2018
3:39 PM
31 Oct 2018
8:52 AM
A National Advisory: No Tsunami Threat to New Zealand message was issued at 3:39am on 30 October 2018 following a magnitude 6.2 earthquake south-west of Taumarunui, at 3.13 pm New Zealand time.
Tsunami – National
No tsunami threat to New Zealand
07 Sep 2018
4:23 AM
07 Sep 2018
11:40 AM
A National Advisory: No Tsunami Threat to New Zealand message was issued at 4:04am on 7 September 2018 following a magnitude 8.1 earthquake near Fiji at 3:49am New Zealand time.
Tsunami – National
No tsunami threat to New Zealand
22 Aug 2018
11:04 AM
22 Aug 2018
6:10 PM
A National Advisory:No Tsunami Threat to New Zealand message was issued at 11:03am on 22 August 2018 following a magnitude 6.7 earthquake near Vanuatu.
Floods – Bay of Plenty
A local State of Emergency has been declared in Rotorua
29 Apr 2018
8:43 PM
06 May 2018
8:25 PM
State of emergency declared for Rotorua (5:35pm Sunday 29 April) following flooding in Ngongotaha. Some evacuations and damage to residential properties occured.
The state of emergency expired at 5:35pm Sunday 6 May.
Severe weather – National
Cyclone Gita - prepare for heavy rain and damaging winds
20 Feb 2018
1:03 PM
25 Feb 2018
1:24 PM
Cyclone Gita - states of local emergency
Christchurch City Council including Banks Peninsula declared at 1430 hrs on 20 February and terminated at 1130 hrs on 21 February 2018
Buller District declared at 1553 hrs on 20 February and terminated at 1225 hrs on 21 February 2018.
Grey District declared at 1740 hrs on 20 February and terminated at 1000 hrs on 21 February 2018.
Selwyn District declared at 1840 hrs on 20 February 2018 and terminated at 1500 hrs on 21 February 2018.
Westland District declared at 1900 hrs on 20 February and terminated at 0900 hrs on 21 February 2018.
Taranaki CDEM Group area declared at 1950 hrs on 20 February 2018 and terminated at 1200 hrs on 21 February 2018.
Nelson Tasman CDEM Group area declared at 1920 hrs on 20 February and terminated at 1200 hrs on 23 February 2018.
New Plymouth District declared at 1200 hrs on 21 February and terminated at 1100 hrs on 25 February 2018.
Severe weather – National
Local state of emergency declared in Buller
01 Feb 2018
1:55 PM
03 Feb 2018
5:00 PM
Local states of emergency were declared on 1 February 2018 for Dunedin City District and Buller District in response to heavy rainfall, strong winds, and flooding from ex-Tropical Cyclone Fehi. All declarations were terminated by 3 February 2018.
Tsunami – National
Large Pacific Earthquake Being Assessed
23 Jan 2018
10:57 PM
24 Jan 2018
4:58 PM
Following notification of a magnitude 8.0 erathquake in the Gulf of Alaska, "National Advisory - Large Pacific Earthquake Being Assessed" information was published at approx. 11pm on Tuesday 23rd Jan.
This was followed at approx 1220am by "National Advsiory: No Tsunami Threat" information with some additional messaging around the possibility of strong and unusual currents.
At 1112am on Wednesday 24th Jan, this was updated upon reciept of GNS advice that no wave disturbances would be likley in New Zealand.
Emergency banner deactivated with Duty Team approval at 5pm, 24th Jan.
Large Pacific Earthquake Being Assessed
08 Sep 2017
5:14 PM
09 Sep 2017
11:30 AM
A tsunami warning (beach and marine threat) for Chatham Islands, Pegasus Bay, Northern Coasts of Hawke's Bay and East Cape was issued at 2300 hours on 8 September 2017 following a magnitude 8.2 earthquake near Chiapas Mexico.
A no tsunami threat message had previously been issued at 1803 hours. While initial assessment was that there was no tsunami threat we were advised after further modelling that a beach and marine threat existed for the above areas.
The largest wave amplitude of 35-40cm was recorded at the Chatham Islands. Observations from tidal gauges around other sites of New Zealand have shown maximum wave amplitudes of 15-25cm.
A cancellation message was issued at 1130 hours on 9 September 2017.
States of local emergency declared in Timaru and Dunedin
21 Jul 2017
8:08 PM
25 Jul 2017
4:22 PM
Local states of emergency were declared from 21 July 2017 for Canterbury (Selwyn, Christchurch and Timaru Districts) and Otago (originally Waitaki and Dunedin City Districts, then superseded by a region-wide declaration) in response to heavy rainfall and flooding. All declarations were terminated or superseded by notice of local transition period by 25 July 2017.
Severe weather
Cyclone Cook | Local state of emergency declared in Whakatane district
06 Apr 2017
12:27 PM
21 Apr 2017
12:00 PM
Cyclone Cook has passed many regions without significant impact from flooding, however a local state of emergency remains in place for the Whakatane District.
Floods – Manawatū - Whanganui
RAIN EVENT #8 - Daylight brings relief to Region
06 Apr 2017
8:36 AM
06 Apr 2017
3:04 PM
Whanganui Town Bridge river levels peaked at approximately 6am this morning at 7.4 metres, which means flooding concerns have receded for the district.
Wildfire – Canterbury
Port Hills fires (Christchurch City and Selwyn District)
15 Feb 2017
7:12 PM
02 Mar 2017
11:12 AM
A state of local emergency has been declared for Christchurch City and Selwyn District in relation to the Port Hill fires. For latest updates please see the Christchurch Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ChristchurchCDEM
Wildfire – Hawke's Bay
Hawke's Bay fires
13 Feb 2017
3:44 PM
07 Sep 2018
11:21 AM
Hawke's Bay Fires. Local state of emergency declared from 13 February 2017 to 15 February 2017.
Tsunami Threat cancelled - Papua New Guinea earthquake
18 Dec 2016
1:09 AM
18 Dec 2016
7:08 AM
A tsunami threat has been issued for New Zealand coastal areas following the 7.9m earthquake in papua New Guinea at 11.51pm NZ time. No evacuations are necessary at this stage. However, please stay out of the water and off the beaches following this evenings tsunami threat. Continue to follow the advice of your local Civil Defence and stay out of the water and off the beaches.
Solomon Islands earthquake - potential marine and beach tsunami threat CANCELLED
09 Dec 2016
7:31 AM
09 Dec 2016
5:04 PM
The potential threat for marine and beach areas has been CANCELLED following the 7.7m earthquake in the Solomons Islands at 6.38am NZ Time. We advise the public who intend to carry out activities in or on the water today, especially along the west coast of both the North and South Islands, that there could be strong and unusual currents for the rest of the day. Therefore, MCDEM advise people to stay out of the water.
No threat
No tsunami threat to New Zealand following 7.2M Central America earthquake
25 Nov 2016
8:06 AM
25 Nov 2016
2:34 PM
There is no tsunami threat to New Zealand following the 7.2M earthquake off the coast of Central America at 7:44am NZ time (providing there is no significant change to the earthquake magnitude as assessments continue).
No threat
No tsunami threat to New Zealand following 7.3M Honshu Japan earthquake
22 Nov 2016
10:37 AM
23 Nov 2016
2:58 PM
There is no tsunami threat to New Zealand following 7.3M Honshu Japan earthquake that occurred at 10:00am NZ time on 22 November 2016.
Kaikoura earthquake
14 Nov 2016
12:18 AM
09 Dec 2016
1:00 PM
A M7.8 earthquake occurred northeast of Culverden at 00:02 NZDT on Monday 14 November 2016. Strong to severe shaking was felt throughout New Zealand. Following the earthquake, tsunami waves were detected on the New Zealand Tsunami Gauge Network. MCDEM issued tsunami warning messages via the National Warning System from 01:00 until 15:00 NZDT on 14 November 2016, at which time the warning was cancelled.
Volcanic unrest
End of Minor Eruptive Volcanic activity at White Island (Whakaari)
13 Sep 2016
1:11 PM
16 Sep 2016
9:26 AM
Minor eruptive volcanic activity has been observed at White Island (Whakaari). The Volcanic Alert Level is now raised to Level 3, from Level 1. The Aviation Colour Code is changed from Green to Orange. The current activity is minor. GNS Science have advised that they are unsure of the implications for visitor safety and will be issuing a further Volcanic Alert Bulletin later this afternoon (3 pm).
Tsunami – Bay of Plenty
National Warning: Tsunami Threat
02 Sep 2016
6:27 PM
12 Sep 2016
9:32 AM
National Warning: Tsunami Threat Issued 0558 hours 2 September 2016 The Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management (MCDEM) has issued a tsunami warning for East Coast of the North Island (including Auckland, Waikato and Bay of Plenty) and Upper South Island. Confirmation has been received that a tsunami was generated at East Cape. A wave height measuring 30cm was measured at East Cape a short time ago. The first tsunami activity has arrived. Tsunami activity will continue for several hours and the threat must be regarded as real until this warning is cancelled. People in the above/ coastal areas should: 1. Stay out of the water (sea, rivers and estuaries, including boating activities) 2. Stay off beaches and shore areas 3. Do not go sightseeing 4. Share this information with family, neighbours and friends 5. Listen to the radio and/or TV for updates 6. Follow instructions of local civil defence authorities This warning will remain in effect until a cancellation message is issued by MCDEM. Only messages issued by MCDEM represent the official warning status for New Zealand. We note the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (PTWC) has issued a Tsunami Information Statement for this event. PTWC messages do not represent the official warning status for New Zealand. Local civil defence authorities will interpret this information for their areas and advise public action via local radio stations. MCDEM and scientific advisors are closely monitoring the situation to determine the severity of the threat to New Zealand.
Tsunami – Bay of Plenty
National Warning: Tsunami Threat
02 Sep 2016
6:27 PM
12 Sep 2016
9:32 AM
National Warning: Tsunami Threat Issued 0558 hours 2 September 2016 The Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management (MCDEM) has issued a tsunami warning (MARINE and BEACH threat) for the North Coast of the North Island of New Zealand. Confirmation has been received that a tsunami was generated at East Cape. A wave height measuring 30cm was measured at East Cape a short time ago. The first tsunami activity has arrived. Tsunami waves are expected to be observed for a couple of hours duration, based on current numerical simulations. Waves are anticipated to be between 0.2-1m. People in the above/ coastal areas should: 1. Stay out of the water (sea, rivers and estuaries, including boating activities) 2. Stay off beaches and shore areas 3. Do not go sightseeing 4. Share this information with family, neighbours and friends 5. Listen to the radio and/or TV for updates 6. Follow instructions of local civil defence authorities
Earthquakes – Bay of Plenty
7.1 magnitude Earthquake
02 Sep 2016
5:00 PM
12 Sep 2016
9:33 AM
There has been a magnitude 7.1 earthquake 130 km north east of Te Araroa, at a depth of 55km, at 4.37am. Note that strong tsunami currents and surges are possible. Please keep off beaches. Listen to the radio / TV for updates.
Earthquakes – Bay of Plenty
7.1 magnitude Earthquake
02 Sep 2016
12:00 PM
12 Sep 2016
9:33 AM
There has been a magnitude 7.1 earthquake 130 km north east of Te Araroa, at a depth of 55km, at 4.37am. Note that strong tsunami currents and surges are possible. Please keep off beaches. Listen to the radio / TV for updates.
Tsunami warning cancelled
02 Sep 2016
5:20 AM
05 Sep 2016
1:31 PM
Issued 07:35 NZST 2 September 2016The Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management (MCDEM) has issued a tsunami warning (MARINE and BEACH threat) for the North Coast of the North Island of New Zealand including North Cape to Great Barrier Island and the Coromandel. Please Note: East Cape, Bay of Plenty and Gisborne have likely already experienced the maximum wave heights, these areas will still experience waves and currents
Severe weather – Bay of Plenty
Severe Weather Warning: Wind
23 Jul 2016
10:26 PM
12 Sep 2016
9:32 AM
Severe Wind Warning in place for the Bay of Plenty Northwest winds are expected to strengthen overnight Saturday to Sunday. Winds may briefly reach severe gale with gusts of 120 km/h in exposed places from late Saturday night until dawn Sunday.
Volcanic unrest
Ruapehu Volcanic Alert Level remains at Level 2
11 May 2016
11:52 AM
Mt Ruapehu remains in a state of volcanic unrest. The temperature of the summit Crater Lake has declined slightly and is now 39 ºC, down from a high of 46 ºC. The Volcanic Alert Level remains at Level 2 (moderate to heightened unrest). The Aviation Colour Code is also unchanged at Yellow. GNS Science volcanologists continue to closely monitor Ruapehu through the GeoNet project. The Department of Conservation have issued a warning to climbers and trampers on Mt Ruapehu, not to enter the Summit Hazard Zone on the mountain until further notice.
No tsunami threat to New Zealand following 7.3m in Vanuatu Islands
29 Apr 2016
8:30 AM
A magnitude 7.3 earthquake in the Vanuatu Islands at 0733 NZ time poses no potential tsunami threat for New Zealand.
Volcanic unrest – Bay of Plenty
White Island Volcanic Eruption
28 Apr 2016
11:42 AM
The Volcanic Alert level for White Island has been lowered from Level 2 to Level 1. The Aviation Colour Code remains Yellow. The level of volcanic unrest at White Island (Whakaari) has declined following the eruption on April 27. Both volcanic gas output and seismic activity have decreased. Visual observations from a flight on Friday and seismic observations confirm no further eruptive activity has occurred. Volcanic Alert Level 1 indicates minor volcanic unrest continues.
No Tsunami threat to NZ after Ecuador earthquake
17 Apr 2016
1:29 PM
There is no Tsunami threat to NZ following the magnitude 7.7 earthquake off the coast of Ecuador today at 1159 NZST
Floods – West Coast
Franz Josef flooding
24 Mar 2016
10:49 AM
25 Mar 2016
9:00 AM
A state of local emergency was declared for Franz Josef at 2:00am on 24 March 2016 as a result of the Waiho River flooding. Westland Civil Defence has issued a boil water notice for the whole of the Franz Josef town water supply area. This will stay in effect until further notice as a safety precaution. The town water supply is secure for the main town area and work is continuing to confirm the integrity of the supply to the wider Franz Josef area particularly to the north of the Town Centre. There is currently no unbooked overnight accommodation available in the greater Franz Josef area. There is a Red Cross Welfare Centre set up in the town and on standby if needed. All state highways north and south of Franz Josef are currently open and all booked accommodation will be honoured unless visitors are contacted by accommodation providers directly. The Civil Defence state of emergency will stay in place overnight and will be reviewed at 9.00am tomorrow morning (25 March 2016).
Tsunami – Wellington
Canterbury Earthquake: No Tsunami Threat. See civildefence.govt.nz for more information.
14 Feb 2016
2:21 PM
Canterbury Earthquake: No Tsunami Threat. See civildefence.govt.nz for more information.
Earthquakes – Canterbury
5.7 earthquake in Christchurch
14 Feb 2016
1:56 PM
14 Feb 2016
6:00 PM
Media release 14 February 2016 Christchurch Earthquake The National Crisis Management Centre has been stood down following its earlier activation to monitor today’s earthquake in Christchurch. Sarah Stuart-Black, Director, Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management (MCDEM) says the response to this earthquake has been managed locally by Christchurch City Council. The National Crisis Management Centre was activated to monitor the situation and coordinate support across Government if it was required.
Severe weather – Auckland
SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING - MetService advises for Auckland
31 Jan 2016
2:14 PM
The MetService has issued a Severe Thunderstorm Warning which affects the following local government areas: AUCKLAND CITY, WAIKATO and FRANKLIN. At 01:45 pm, MetService weather radar detected severe thunderstorms near PUKEKOHE, DRURY, BOMBAY, ARARIMU, POKENO, MARAMARUA, MANGATAWHIRI and MERCER. These severe thunderstorms are moving towards the northnorthwest, and are expected to lie near PAPAKURA, HUNUA, MANUKAU, DRURY, ARARIMU, POKENO, MARAMARUA, BOMBAY, MANGATAWHIRI, MERCER and ARARIMU at 02:15 pm and near AUCKLAND, PAPAKURA, HOWICK, HUNUA, MANUKAU, SOUTH AUCKLAND, POKENO, HUNUA, DRURY, BOMBAY, MANGATAWHIRI, THE HUNUA RANGES and ARARIMU at 02:45 pm. These thunderstorms are expected to be accompanied by very heavy rain and large hail. Very heavy rain can cause surface and/or flash flooding about streams, gullies and urban areas, and make driving conditions extremely hazardous. Large hail can cause significant damage to crops, orchards, vines, glasshouses and vehicles, and make driving conditions hazardous. Where thunderstorms form, surface flooding is likely and localised flooding of streams. Small localised tornadoes can be associated with severe thunderstorms. If you have to travel drive to the conditions. If driving, be ready to slow down or stop if it is safe to do so. **During and after a thunderstorm** - Take shelter, preferably indoors away from windows. - Avoid sheltering under trees if outside. - Beware of fallen trees and power lines. - Stay up to date with weather forecasts. - Report flooding to council on 09 301 0101. **Take the link below to find out what to do before a thunderstorm.**
Severe weather – Auckland
SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING - MetService advises for Auckland
31 Jan 2016
2:09 PM
The MetService has issued a Severe Thunderstorm Warning which affects the following local government areas: AUCKLAND CITY, WAIKATO and FRANKLIN. At 01:45 pm, MetService weather radar detected severe thunderstorms near PUKEKOHE, DRURY, BOMBAY, ARARIMU, POKENO, MARAMARUA, MANGATAWHIRI and MERCER. These severe thunderstorms are moving towards the northnorthwest, and are expected to lie near PAPAKURA, HUNUA, MANUKAU, DRURY, ARARIMU, POKENO, MARAMARUA, BOMBAY, MANGATAWHIRI, MERCER and ARARIMU at 02:15 pm and near AUCKLAND, PAPAKURA, HOWICK, HUNUA, MANUKAU, SOUTH AUCKLAND, POKENO, HUNUA, DRURY, BOMBAY, MANGATAWHIRI, THE HUNUA RANGES and ARARIMU at 02:45 pm. These thunderstorms are expected to be accompanied by very heavy rain and large hail. Very heavy rain can cause surface and/or flash flooding about streams, gullies and urban areas, and make driving conditions extremely hazardous. Large hail can cause significant damage to crops, orchards, vines, glasshouses and vehicles, and make driving conditions hazardous. Where thunderstorms form, surface flooding is likely and localised flooding of streams. Small localised tornadoes can be associated with severe thunderstorms. If you have to travel drive to the conditions. If driving, be ready to slow down or stop if it is safe to do so. **During and after a thunderstorm** - Take shelter, preferably indoors away from windows. - Avoid sheltering under trees if outside. - Beware of fallen trees and power lines. - Stay up to date with weather forecasts. - Report flooding to council on 09 301 0101. **Take the link below to find out what to do before a thunderstorm.**